This used to be the future

BLINDSIDE, Melbourne, 2015

Using  sculpture and printmaking, Kirsty Lillico addresses the pervasive architecture of Brutalism that swept through institutional New Zealand in the 1960s and 70s.

This exhibition compares the benevolent social policies of post-war NZ that Brutalism was embedded in, to the grotesque iniquities of today. Lillico uses cardboard to both highlight the current poverty of means and playfully evoke the raw textures and hermetic spaces of these monumental concrete buildings.

This used to be the future, 2015, installation view, BLINDSIDE, Melbourne

This used to be the future, 2015, installation view, BLINDSIDE, Melbourne

Shroud, 2015, detail view. Monoprint on paper, 3400 × 1500 mm

Shroud, 2015, detail view. Monoprint on paper, 3400 × 1500 mm

M & S, both 2015. Cardboard, paint, tape.

M & S, both 2015. Cardboard, paint, tape.

Shroud, 2015, detail view. Monoprint on paper, 3400 × 1500 mm

Shroud, 2015, detail view. Monoprint on paper, 3400 × 1500 mm




I Came Back as Someone Else