Yu Mei store, Wellington, 16 March - 27 April 2022
A collaboration with luxury leather goods brand Yu Mei. As part of Threads Textiles Festival, artists were paired with local fashion businesses to produce an exhibition utilising textile waste. I repurposed Yu Mei’s production off-cuts into a series of wall-mounted upholstered reliefs. These were displayed at Yu Mei’s Victoria Street store during the festival.
Love Operation (blue), 2022. Deer nappa offcuts, foam, plywood. 710 x 610 x 80 mm
Nose to tail (pink), 2022. Deer nappa offcuts, foam, pine dowel, plywood. 660 x 590 x 130 mm
Don’t bite me (yellow), 2022. Deer nappa offcuts, foam, plywood. 800 x 620 x 180mm